3D Odor X
3D Odor X
3D Odor X will allow you to target and safely eliminate foul odors! Other air fresheners work great for a day or two, but after that, the smells tend to resurface. 3D Odor X is packed with a concentrated bacterial enzyme, so it will not cover up smells, it will target and remove these smells from your various interior surfaces (headliner, seat, ceiling, dashboard, side panels, etc.). Simply spray it liberally to the surface, wipe or brush into the area and let it dry. The bacterial enzyme will encapsulate and remove gas fumes, smoke smell, exhaust gasses, chemical off-gassing or VOCs from car fabric, leather and plastic materials, air toxins, cigarette odor, and so much more. Don't let your car be the stinky one at the car meet or when friends pile in, grab a bottle of the 3D Odor X to eliminate unwanted smells!